Thank you for this lovely piece! I love the one sentence a day. I started the #1000wordsofsummer challenge with great intentions and did not stick with it which made me feel guilty about my lack of writing and posting. Hearing “even one sentence a day is progress” was just what I needed.

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It’s what I needed too! It’s a big commitment that challenge I haven’t managed it since kids but I think you can tweak it to less to get something on the page - it’s still very much in the spirit of 1000 words ❤️

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I remember when my oldest would no longer go in the double buggy (started at 2!) and my fast paces Forrest walks for some exercise became non existent. It was hard at first, but like you I discovered the joy of finding beautiful fallen leaves and a wonderfully shaped stick or rock. When we can slow down and stop fighting against the slooooowww current, life gets a lot easier!

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Thanks Tansie. Yes I do miss my power walks! I don’t get any where near enough exercise now because of it but that’s another post probably 😂

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Jun 29Liked by Kylie-Ann

Yes, love this! And love your little pics along the post ❤️.

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Thank you Julie! ❤️🙌🏻🐌

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This did resonate indeed. I was subconsciously thinking the other day just how much I/we as parents point things out to children to try to keep moving things along as we need them to, it is good for us! So interested to hear you have ditched the double buggy, good for you! I am seriously tempted though I find chaos often ensues when one is on the loose as it often means that the other wants to be too! Yes to saying hello, recognising and having little chats with people, it is so nice and makes a big difference to our day. I think that is something I missed a lot in Covid times. And yes in some ways we do absolutely have all the time in the world, when we have to fill a day with small children from as early as 5am to bedtime!! xx

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Yes I had forgotten that the day can literally be longer! Esp in the summer when they are confused by the sun at bedtime and in the morning..

now the smallest is a bit older he is getting annoyed that he isn’t out of the buggy too but I think it’s worth the hassle for the ease of getting on buses. We do still use it for friday nurseries as I often pick them up a bit later and we can zoom home but I think the eldest is getting more sensible and lengthier with his walking so it is worth getting the practice in 😂

I wonder if covid has affected my habit of talking to strangers actually I missed it alot and I think it gets me through tough days - sometimes you just need to be heard and seen by another human being!

Thank you for reading Lyndsay.

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I feel like I'm often driving myself at a really fast pace to fit in all my work, housework, life admin, SEND admin around parenting and caring for my kids. My brain is whirring. But times when I'm really present with my kids often goes slow!

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Yes that feels really familiar for me too. I’ve been at my laptop all day today and the day has whizzed by whereas it drags with the kids. I’d like something in between if I’m honest 😂

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Life still moves super slow. I'm in a rough stage with my two year old. I think my inability or unwillingness to accept she needs more from me is making things slower and harder. You write it a good slow. But there's also the slow that comes with conflict, tantrums, did regulation. And get this--im not just talking about the kids. There's the slow of constantly having to step away to address my own emotions or help one of my kids work through their own.

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Such a good point Laura. I guess I often see the slowness as a bad thing. But I think I am getting better at seeing it as good, but you are right there is more to it than what I have talked about. Addressing emotions is hard and I think slow in that it takes time and how we all wish there was a quicker way. Thanks for reading

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