Honestly, I am that kettle a good number of times. This was a good read!🙌🏽

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I honestly feel I have no control over myself and my mum rage in the week leading up to my period. I actually feel out of control, 'taken over' by a red mist. The power our hormones have over us sometimes terrifies me! I'm also starting to get my peri-menopausal hell kicking in, which heightens everything. Everything gets neglected! By the end of last year it was getting quite bad: breaking down in tears all day, feeling really depressed, self loathing, all of it. I had to do something. This is what has helped me:

- I focus on whats happening for the coming 2 weeks only. As a useful external marker, I use the New Moon and Full Moon, useful for being every two weeks, to stop, write down and plan what needs attention and don't even try to look beyond it. Journalling every two weeks correlates nicely with my hormone fluctuations and seems to calm me down a bit.

- I started lifting weights. I found an online PT who focusses on mums and since turning up to her live sessions, its changed my life.

I'm still a nightmare before my period but it seems I'm a bit less of a nightmare, and certainly hate myself less!!!

As for household tasks: its all an utter mess!!! Maybe it always will be!

Also: Caffeine & Concealer: the holy combination that I can't live without!!!

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What an apt metaphor. The first “household task” that comes to mind is wiping down my yoga mat. It’s been far too long. I suppose that counts as neglecting my self too. We also have a half rotten fence we have been not replacing for years. Just removing planks as they fall over from rot.

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Man I feel seen by your kettle. Great post!

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Thank you so much for sharing this. I think so many of us can relate. I know I've had many a moment when I was that sparking kettle. What I really want to know is if you got your cup of tea that morning??

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A tiger has been pacing around inside me trying to find the words to process what I am feeling...I am "taking the day" for myself today and I came in to do some writing and this was waiting for me in my inbox. The words I needed. Thank you.

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Oh wow, this resonates with me so much... I totally relate to the 'kettle analogy'! Kylie, your writing is always so thoughtful and on point!

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What a great analogue Kylie, totally relate to the kettle!! We keep going and going but sometimes it's just too much. I relate to the anger and exhaustion during my cycle too - albeit its not as bad as it used to be. Code Red by Lisa Lister is a great book to read, it gave me a greater understanding of our cycles and shows the positives and power in the stages of our cycle that we find hard too. Highly recommend. A great post Kylie xx

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Oh gosh I can see myself in that kettle breaking too!!! I totally hear and feel you on all of this… and I’m so grateful to you for sharing my words. It’s been such a powerful insight to me to realise just how much I NEED those words to keep me functioning optimally. Xx

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